Its been a busy week in sunny California.
Milos was killing my muscles perfectly with every single workout and the improovements in fullness and also a more ripped look are tremendous.
Next to hardcore training and diet routine (did I mention before how hungry I am all the time ???!!!), I also had 4 successful potoshoots with LA'smost famous photographers and magazines this week. I mad myself a really tough schedule and many days I felt like its too much, but I was never giving up. Milos watched every day very carefully and was preventing my body from going catabolic. Even if we achieved this, the last workouts before starting my depletion became horrible and my muscle feeling seemed to be completly gone. For this reason we started my carb depletion today with my first rest day since... well, I dont even know when it was ;)
I enjoyed taking the day off and as I have to prepare my travel to Phoenix next week, I still needed every minute of the day, to keep my journey moving. It is a hell of a trip, but together with my mentor Milos, I am anything else than afraid of competing. I am ready and Milos will make me even better than I can already predict.
The support of all my fans and the feedback on my video diary on is just overwhelming and it motivates myself so much to see that other people can identify a bit with myself and start living my dream together with me.
To have my family and friends in Germany, writing me and calling me almost every day and giving me the mental strength that I need is just a great feeling. My mother learned to use a Computer, just in order to check my videos daily and I am really proud, that they became so interested in what I am doing. I am enjoying this journey and every day is more and more an unforgetable memory... Though I know, that my career has just started.
Hey, i just wanted to say good luck and that the training part of your website is very insightful and useful, thanks for that!